Company Philosophy


Customers & Suppliers

Our first priority is to be transparent in all our activities and to provide an exceptional service and quality products to our customers. We shall constantly strive to reduce costs and maintain reasonable prices. We shall actively promote the image of our suppliers and provide them with an opportunity make a fair profit.



We shall provide competent management and their actions shall be just and ethical. Employees’ compensation will be fair and adequate and working conditions clean, orderly and safe. We shall treat our employees the same way as we would like them to treat our customers and suppliers.



We shall be good citizens of our communities and shall abide by the law. We shall constantly strive to limit our footprint on the environment and we shall bear our fair share of taxes.



The business must make a sound profit from which a fair share must be invested in marketing and in creating reserves to provide for adverse times. We shall operate according to these principles to ensure the continuity of the company and to provide our shareholders with a fair return.